

Obala 134 , 6320 Portorož, Slovenija

Galerija slik


We are a young family company from Batega, which brings together products from smaller Slovenian farms in a boutique shop.

My partner and I have always been looking for homemade products in our vicinity, but our work and other obligations limited our time. We wanted to offer ourselves and like-minded people what we were looking for. A wide range of products from Slovenian farms in one place. And not only in the visual world, but in "this real shop", where you can see the products, taste them, ask about the ingredients, the farm and the method of use.

Our beginnings include researching delicacies in the area of ​​Slovenian Istria, Karst, Brkinov and we found that the offer is very varied. We visited the farms, looked at them, chatted with the farmers, tried the products, and if there was a spark of trust, we entered into a collaboration. We left part of the offer to products from outside the Coastal-Karst area, because our Slovenia is so small, but at the same time so full of different tastes.

The idea was to offer in one place a colorful range of home-made, high-quality, authentic, gourmet products that have not traveled thousands of kilometers, products whose producers we know personally, products whose ingredients have ripened on the plant and not in the chamber, products whose labor many times it would not be reimbursed in large chain stores. In our Batega, we offer the possibility of product tastings, which will be carried out from time to time by the producer himself.

My opinion is that direct contact with the manufacturer instills additional confidence in the product and adds value to it. We also want to organize tours of farms, where everyone can taste the rich flavors with all the senses in their home environment.

We also have homemade wooden boxes full of homemade goodies. They are suitable for business gifts and other occasions.




Poslovna ocena

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1 zvezdico

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* Prosimo, upoštevajte: da bi preverili zakonitost vseh mnenj, ki jih objavimo, potrebujemo dokazilo o vašem sodelovanjem/obisku podjetja. Vsi objavljenei dokumenti bodo uporabljeni izključno le za namene preverjanja legitimnosti vašega mnenja glede podjetja.

Dodaj datoteke

Potrjujem, da so tukaj predloženi podatki resnični in točni. Potrjujem, da ne delam za tega ponudnika storitev, nisem konkurenca in nisem povezan z njim.
Z nadaljevanjem se strinjam s Splošni pogoji uporabe.

Hitri kontakt

company map
Obala 134 , 6320 Portorož, Slovenija

Dodatna kontaktna okna

Poslovna oblika:
Spletna trgovina Pot okusov, Sabina Tovornik s.p.
Davčna št.:
Obala 134, Portoroz, Slovenia
Številka računa denarne vrednosti:
IBAN SI56 2900 0005 2255 794 (UNICREDIT BANKA SLOVENIJA d.d.)
Številka računa denarne vrednosti:
IBAN SI56 0313 5100 0839 826 (SKB d.d.)
Odgovorna oseba:
Tovornik Sabina
Kontaktna oseba:
Tovornik Sabina

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