At Kmetija Padovac you will really enjoy the unspoiled nature with wonderful views. Everyone who wants to try the local Koštel cuisine and those who bet on simple but proven dishes will come to your account. Since the Padovac family is involved in horse breeding, they can teach you the basics of riding, and seasoned riders can ride through the idyllic villages in the Kolpa Valley.
Number of beds:
Number of rooms: shared beds
single beds: 7
double: 2
the possibility of renting a baby cot
In a place of friendly people, it is impossible to resist the varied culinary delights and sports activities that conjure up a real fairytale atmosphere in the almost idyllic surroundings.The view of the aforementioned castle from the time of the Turkish invasions, to which well-kept footpaths lead past beautiful orchards, only brightens the picture and adds a special charm. Your well-being does not escape us because of the motto: Your wish, our command!
In addition to traditional dishes, we also prepare typical Kostel dishes to order, such as Kostel želodec and "cušpajs". The latter is prepared differently by each of the surrounding villages; regardless of the location, the dish always goes down well with all visitors. Also an aperitif of homemade brandy or a glass of good wine.
Na Kmetiji Padovac boste v neokrnjeni naravi s čudovitimi razgledi zares uživali. Na svoj račun boste prišli vsi, ki želite poskusiti domačo kostelsko kuhinjo, in tisti, ki stavite na preproste, a preizkušene jedi. Ker se družina Padovac ukvarja s konjerejo, vas lahko naučijo osnove jahanja, prekaljeni jezdeci pa lahko odjezdite skozi idilične vasice v Kolpski dolini.
Število ležišč:
Število sob: skupna ležišča
- enoposteljnih: 7
- dvoposteljnih: 2
- možnost izposoje otroške posteljice